What is a bnz (bingo template update) file?

A bnz bingo file is a bingo template update file that holds a bingo template and bingo list update for The Bingo Maker . A bnz file can be opened by double clicking it. After the bnz file update completes, the following message will appear:

Bingo template - update confirmation

A bnz file contains the following bingo template and bingo list data:

1) Bingo template updates - Updates to the current bingo templates and new bingo templates

2) Bingo list updates - Updates to the current bingo lists and new bingo lists.


If you have a bnz file, you need to have The Bingo Maker installed on your computer ( in order to update the bingo templates and lists). In this link, you may Download The Bingo Maker

faq about  the bingo maker


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