Mommy Trivia Bingo Cards Template - Bingo Call List ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Weeks & days pregnant Mom's middle name? What color are the mom's eyes? Mom & dad anniversary date? Mom's favorite food? Where was mom & dad first date? Mom's pregnancy crave? How many pregnancy tests did mom take? When is mom's birthday? How did mom tell dad she was pregnant? Did mom have morning sickness? Who was the first person to know? When is the baby's due date? What is the theme for babies nursery? How many kids does mom want? What hospital is mom going to deliver at? What's best about being pregnant? What's the worst about being pregnant? First thing mom bought for the baby? Thing mom's loves most about being pregnant? What is mom's favorite color? Does she hope for boy, girl or either? What colors did mom pick for the nursery? What are the names she picked for the baby? Where did mom and dad meet? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This Bingo Call List (Mommy Trivia Bingo Cards bingo) was downloaded from: The full template can be found at: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright The Bingo Maker 2012 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------